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Movies You Love Part 6: Walk The Line and others

Welcome back to Movies You Love, a weekly blog about movies recommended by you, watched by me.

Several months back, I eloquently demanded on Facebook, “tell me what movie is ur fav that u ask people to watch all the time but u know they never watch it. b/c I'm gonna watch it.” Art can mean so much to someone, for better or for worse. Films, in particular, can pair with good or bad memories or even stimulate personal growth. Everyone in the World could watch the same film, but have a different interpretation of and emotional connection to it.

We’ve all recommended that ONE movie to our friends over and over. It might be a bit odd, a bit slow, a bit cheesy, deeply dark, or emotionally taxing, but we love it so much we want everyone else to love it as well. That’s what we have here. The people have spoken. These are the films that mean the most to you. The films no one ever watches even when you beg. I’ve watched them, and now I wanna chat.


Film: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Recommended By: Venika Jarvis

Based on a graphic novel of the same name, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stars a ragtag team of Victorian Age literary superheroes. With individually unique powers, they each have to make sure the fate of the world is saved from “The Fantom”. In Sean Connery’s final on-screen performance before his retirement he plays Allan Quatermain, who joins Captain Nemo, Mina Harker, Rodney Skinner, Tom Sawyer, Dorian Gray, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Venika: This film is the first film that I felt was a realistic superhero movie. I also loved reading the tales of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde and Tom Sawyer from Robert Louis Stevenson’s illustrated classics, so it was fantastic seeing them as superheroes. The powers that each of the characters had were somewhat realistic in how they obtained it: through years of training, having it since birth, or stealing a secret formula from the government.

I love watching this movie because it empowers me. One of my favorite characters was Mina and when you have a badass female superhero who takes on male henchmen and kicks the ass of one of the main characters, in a predominately male superhero movie, it’s hard to not like the movie. My next favorite character is Captain Nemo. The swiftness with his sword (or scimitar?) is awesome.

Film: Walk the Line (2005) Recommended by: Nadine Aho

This Oscar-nominated film chronicles the early life of Johnny Cash and his relationship with June Carter as he breaks into the music scene. In true rock-and-roll style he deals with drugs, alcohol, infidelity, anger, and desperate need for compassion and acceptance from his father.

Nadine: Growing up, my parents had both introduced me to movies of all generations and time periods. On any given non-school night, we picked a movie to watch and got ourselves situated in the living room. I was about twelve when I first watched Walk the Line with my mom at home and since have seen the movie hundreds of times. I don't particularly remember my first viewing in great detail but do recall admiring the story and the music from the start. And, admiring the music so much that I asked for a CD of the original soundtrack for my following birthday.

Music has always been something that created a strong bond within my family and finding that within a film that I loved made me grow that much more fond of it. In almost all relationships I have, I like to share my interest in music and their roots. With that being said, I almost always ask of my friends' knowledge of Johnny Cash and this film. For those who are not familiar, I look forward to introducing them to the story and history of Cash. I do have a handful of friends who enjoy the film as well as the music almost as much as I do but in contrast, I also have those who don't see the same magic.

As much as I do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, when others don't seem to enjoy the story and music of Walk The Line, I take personal offense. I feel as if those who may not enjoy the music should still see the talent behind the making of the film itself. When they don't, it makes it hard for me to understand and accept the opinions of those who don't enjoy neither the film or the music. But as I said, I try my best to understand that a movie I may love, others may not. The reason I may not be able to fathom another's opposing opinion to mine on the film could root from its personal ties to my family and upbringing.

Film: The Brothers Bloom (2008)

Recommended by: Andrew Kornfeld

Our second Rian Johnson film of the Movies You Love project! A bit different from his debut film Brick, The Brothers Bloom is the story of two of the world's greatest con men (played by Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo) pulling one last con around the world.

Andrew: I first saw The Brothers Bloom in college. One of my good friends, Carlene, told me that it reminded her of me and that I would like it. She was right!

I love that it’s a story about storytelling, I think it’s smart and creative and entertaining, and I’ve always had a thing for cons—we live in a world run by monsters and fools but both types of people are suckers, and pulling one over on them can be heroic.

Rian Johnson wrote and directed this and it has an extremely likable cast (Adrien Brody, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel Weisz, Rinko Kikuchi, etc.), and, looking at The Last Jedi I think that’s a recipe for a well-received movie, so, there ya go.

Check back each week to find a new group of films recommended by my friends. And if you have a suggestion, feel free to email me or write in the comments. I’d love to add you to my list.


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