Daniel Woodiwiss
2012 Church League Basketball "Most Christlike Player Award" Winner
This site is the brainchild of a girlfriend's great idea and my own fascination with attention- I mean, personal interests. ​
A few weeks back-- which was July of 2016, if you're so blessed and/or diligent to have happened upon this in the future --a girlfriend of mine suggested I start a blog in which I could discuss my music and movie interests. "You love writing about this stuff," she said, "and people seem to enjoy what you have to say." This was probably a very flattering way of saying "Please take your divisive pop-culture opinions off Facebook, to somewhere I won't have to read them all day," but I was too excited by the idea to think that. I instantly began thinking of ideas to fill this space, including adding the element of sports, another arena in which I have been known to hold impassioned discussion. Before putting finger to keyboard (man, writing has lost its romanticism), however, I got smacked with an inspiration: why not bring in a motley collection of friends to bring more attention to this blog and create more consistent content, all while lessening my overall responsibility?
And by that I of course mean, why not invite friends who also have a deep appreciation of and varied opinions within the worlds of entertainment and/or sport to share some of their insights?
To my absolute delight, the small circle of initial invitees all enthusiastically responded that they would love to take part in this endeavor. Within hours of me reaching out to them, my inbox was flooded with article ideas, feature series ideas, site layout ideas, name ideas, logo ideas; heck, even business principle ideas. I can only hope that this enthusiasm never dwindles; that this experiment may prove to be a wonderful outlet for us, and for any new members we may add.
More importantly, we here at The Couch hope to make the time all 7 of you readers spend perusing this blog worthwhile. We will strive to engage you, humor you, inform you, entertain you and annoy you, in equal parts.
Thanks for coming along!