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Movies You Love Part 4: When Harry Met Sally and others

Welcome back to Movies You Love, a weekly blog about movies recommended by you, watched by me.

Several months back, I eloquently demanded on Facebook, “tell me what movie is ur fav that u ask people to watch all the time but u know they never watch it. b/c I'm gonna watch it.” Art can mean so much to someone, for better or for worse. Films, in particular, can pair with good or bad memories or even stimulate personal growth. Everyone in the World could watch the same film, but have a different interpretation of and emotional connection to it.

We’ve all recommended that ONE movie to our friends over and over. It might be a bit odd, a bit slow, a bit cheesy, deeply dark, or emotionally taxing, but we love it so much we want everyone else to love it as well. That’s what we have here. The people have spoken. These are the films that mean the most to you. The films no one ever watches even when you beg. I’ve watched them, and now I wanna chat.


Film: When Harry Met Sally (1989) Recommended By: Olivia Holesinger

After talking to Olivia, I was so excited to watch When Harry Met Sally-- somehow I went my whole life without seeing this notorious romantic comedy. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan play best friends that don’t have sex, proving that men and women can be friends without it getting complicated or wanting to sleep with one another. Everyone knows the orgasm scene in Katz Delicatessen, but it's considerably better with context.

Olivia: I first saw this movie as High School Olivia and had heard about it through my bosses at the flower shop where I worked. You need to know that:

1. I was what could be called a hopeful romantic.

2. I was spending a lot of my weekends at a nursing home talking with the elderly.

3. I love hearing people tell their 'How We Met' stories.

4. I bicker. In an endearing way obviously.

5. I used to wear day-of-the-week underwear and they definitely made a Sunday pair.

Those are all parts of the movie. I love it because Sally doesn’t change and Harry is hella annoying. Actually they’re both annoying. And they both do their own thing but then they decide to do their own thing together— and that, I think, is perfect.The movie is beautifully shot and the dialogue is great. It’s interspersed with a bunch of old couples sharing their moments. What’s not to love about love?

P.s. I’m still a hopeless romantic and if you know a Harry lemme know...I need a man who can karaoke Oklahoma! show tunes to me.

Film: The Insider (1999) Recommended by: Daniel Woodiwiss

A two hour and 30 minute dramatic thriller of what it’s like to fight against 'the man.' Based on a true story off the Vanity Fair article, “The Man Who Knew Too Much”, Russell Crowe plays a high up big tobacco executive that risks his life, health, and family to expose the hidden truths of these murderous companies. Who knows if he’ll even make it out alive... this eerie film will leave you feeling very slimy.

Daniel: I actually don’t often ask others to watch The Insider- or I do out of instinct, then instantly regret it. It’s so well-embedded in my mind as ‘the best movie I’ve ever seen’ that I’ve become fanatically protective of it. Much of that probably has to do with the first time I saw it. One summer during high school— I think it was between Junior and Senior year— my dad decided to do a Father-Son Film Series, where we watched 1 or 2 movies a week that he deemed Classics/Essentials. I remember it started somewhat slowly (though I couldn’t tell you which few we started with); it wasn’t that I didn’t like the first three or so, it was just that I was not as appreciative of them as my dad was. Thus, when The Insider ended and I told him it was the best movie I’d ever seen, he laughed and told me to shut up, thinking I was being sarcastic.

With every movie I’ve ever loved or thought highly of, there’s always been a scene during which I realize “this is a damn good movie.” The first time I remember that experience I speak of was while watching a certain scene (NO SPOILERS!) in The Insider that takes place on a driving range at night. I think I love it because I grew up in a very political family, and I’m all about socio-political thrillers. This checks that box, as well as the box of ‘brave investigative journalism’, another one of my favorites. Throw in phenomenal acting from Russell Crowe and Al Pacino, a brilliant screenplay, and an important (and true) story….what’s not to like?

Don’t answer that question.

Film: Stardust (2007)

Recommended by: Emily Wieber

Stardust is everything you want in a fun family movie. It is wrapped in fantasy with magic and spells, has multiple adventure storylines, undying romance, and Good vs. Evil. With a star-studded cast, its cheesy-ness of 2007 graphics is almost endearing, making it that much more enjoyable in 2017.

Emily: Stardust was that one movie my mother raved about and kept a recording of it on our DVR. One day I finally caved in and watched, shortly to become one of its biggest fans! What I took away from the movie is how so many times in life, we sell ourselves short to our destiny. That we think whatever life has handed to us in the current season is what it will always be. Tristian does have the urge of adventure but the only time he ever steps foot out of his village is for a girl who could care less about him. When he does go on the adventure, he discovers how the world is so beautiful, challenging and finds true love also to bring light to that situation-- how many times have we let one person be the standard of love?

This movie teaches us that getting out of your comfort zones and following your dream is a powerful thing that leads to even bigger dreams and opportunities. Stardust is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time.

Check back each week to find a new group of films recommended by my friends. And if you have a suggestion, feel free to email me or write in the comments. I’d love to add you to my list.


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